The Void Revealed by Stephen J. Ethier

I first started talking with Stephen after we both signed up to participate in The Great Author Extravaganza, a facebook event ran by another author friend of mine, Bobbi Kerr-Schemerhorn. Stephen is quietly spoken but soon warms up people and now we chat often.
I make a point of trying to support other authors work, maybe as readers you don't quite understand the effort in putting together a book of any genre, it's hard work which consumes the author for a good long while. Believe me when I say, writing a book is only really forty percent of the process. My point is I could not participate in the event without at least getting to know some of the authors. Having struck up a friendship with Stephen quickly, I was keen to get hands on with his first book, The Void Revealed.
As the author of a staggering 25+ technical books regarding CAD, I was stunned to learn this was Stephen's first foray into fiction, but man am I glad he did.

In a few words, it is a master class of description, I encourage people reading this review to give the book a chance.

Genre:- Dystopian Fantasy

Image may contain: cloud and sky, text that says "ORIGO ESSENTIA SERIES BOOK ONE The Void Revealed SjE Stephen J. Ethier"

From the bird called Kree, to the cabins of Windhold, the author writes his vision vividly for the reader to see. The characterisations of even the insignificant characters are all deeply written such that even their meagre contributions to the story are felt and remembered.
Many events which will at first appear shocking, are dealt with in such a tasteful manner that the reader is quickly soothed, compelled to continue.
The story itself is cleverly woven in chunks as lived by the characters, and pieces which at first seem vague are all neatly intertwined before the end into one.
At its heart the Void Revealed is a love story, but this love is overshadowed by political intrigue and masterful subterfuge, to the point where the reader thinks little of love. Other experiences within the Void only distract the reader further, and only at the end does the reward come. But this is only part one. I can’t wait for part two...

I give The Void Revealed 5 out of 5. Book 2 - The Brotherhood of the Flame is out now on Amazon.


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