The Moonflower by Kim May

Kim was another great author that I met after signing up to participate in The Great Author Extravaganza. Kim is a good deal more professional than myself in the way she executes her books. At the end of the Moonflower there is a great mini bio regarding her life. It's clear that Kim enjoys life and is experienced in a great many things. I knew from her posts on Facebook that she enjoys cooking, (And making grown men envious of her meals), but I didn't know that Kim used to be a dancer. Anyone who reads her second book, now available on Amazon will begin to wonder about this before knowing. The dance scenes of her new heroine are beautifully described and can be visualised very well.
I think this is the sign of a great author, Kim is clearly able to research a subject to the nth degree, and absorb that information enough to use what she has learned and pass this on to her readers perfectly. In the Moonflower the main character is a not so self assured art student, maybe about to to fail her course, a kindly stranger alters her life with a gift.
I really enjoyed this book and it's refreshing to read a book with a strong, (by the end), female lead. I would recommend anyone who enjoys fantasy backed up with accurate research, to read this book.
I know Kim has a third book planned in this series, and having already read the second ... I can't wait for the third. Kim is also working on other projects and likes to keep busy, that much is clear.
When most people think of fantasy, they may be expecting elves and magic. Kim May proves that a fantasy can be just as enticing set in the here and now, even if the gods of the past can't leave us alone ...

Genre:- Fantasy

Image may contain: 2 people

The book takes a little time to get started but this correctly sets the scene and gives us some insights into the main character.

The only let down for me was maybe the authors vision of the main characters nightmares were maybe a little typical. Given the creativity and imagination through the rest of the book, this is not a fact which hit me until the end.
Whilst I found the story to be a great read, and almost completed the book in two sittings, I found that the characters all had clearly defined roles. So much so you felt you knew them, (and their type), from first introduction. This is not a bad thing and leaves more time for story, but only the main character really grows. The arrogance of the main villain was also a little too familiar, but then he is supposed to be a god.
Having spotted the final twist, I do not see this as a detractor, only a confirmation that the correct hints were dropped and the writers vision was clearly laid out.
The writing style was slick and descriptive, and the pace reflected the situation closely. At times being gentle and relaxing, at other times quick and punchy.
All in all a great read, I only wish the character of Zosime had been explored further and had been allowed to flex her obvious muscles, a little more ...

I give The Moonflower 4 out of 5. Book 2 - The Closed Game is also available on Amazon.


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